Tuesday, March 24, 2020


           #3. You Are in the Olympics


     1. ancient                                    11. led             
     2. athlete                                     12. over
     3. be fit                                        13. parade
     4. be fun                                      14. perform
     5. compete                                  15. rest
     6. gun                                          16. stadium
     7. hop                                          17. stands
     8. host                                         18. tips
     9. hut                                           19. top
    10. jog                                          20. trade


Spelling 3 A

1.    ancient: very old
2.    athlete: a person who is trained in sports
3.    be fit: a good physical condition
4.    be fun: to be a joyful person
5.    compete: to try to be better
6.    gun: a weapon
7.    hop: to jump on one foot
8.    host: a place that organizes an event
9.    hut: a simple house
10. jog: to run slowly

Spelling 3 B
1.    led: past of to lead, to guide someone
2.    over: being at an end
3.    parade: a march or celebration on the streets
4.    perform: to entertain an audience
5.    rest: a time to relax or sleep
6.    stadium: a sports arena with seats for spectators
7.    stands: a place to sit and watch a spectacle
8.    tips: useful information, help
9.    top: the best
10. trade: to exchange information
                      Spelling 3 A
  1. There are ancient constructions in Samaipata.
  2. The best athletes participate in the Olympics.
  3. Athletes must be fit to compete.
  4. Competitors are fun at sharing tips.
  5. When you compete, you do your best to win.
  6. We wait for the gun shot to start running a race. 
  7. We hop on one leg in physical education classes.
  8. Tokyo is the host for the 2020 Olympics.
  9. We stayed in a hut on vacation.
  10. Athletes jog in order to stay fit.
                   Spelling 3 B
      11. Our teachers led us to learn good values.
      12. When math is over, we check our activities.
      13. On Carnival people go on parades.
      14. Dua Lipa performs a famous song.
      15. After a soccer match, we sit and rest.
      16. The Olympic games are played in stadiums.
      17. My family is watching me from the stands.
      18. Miss Celia gives us tips for math.
      19. Freddy Mercury is a top singer.
       20.  We trade information about classwork. 


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