Monday, June 15, 2020

WEEK # 14 - Reading. Room to Share. Exercises.

                                                                    Reading week 14

Copy the exercises in your notebook to work

Write the numbers of the sentences at the right in the correct order, according to the story.

Room to Share

1.       The bad news is he has to share his room.                           --------

2.       Mike does not want to share his room.                                 --------

3.       Mike's mom gives him two news. One good and one bad.  --------

4.       Because he thinks.  It is just the right size for him.              --------

5.        They had a really good time together.                                  --------

6.       The good news is that grandpa is coming.                           --------

7.       Grandpa gets to the house and unpacks many things.          --------

8.       At bedtime, he pulls out a blanket to make a tent.                --------

Answer the reading comprehension questionary.

1.       Why does Mike's mom think, " Sharing a room is bad news for Mike"?

2.       Why doesn´t Mike want to share his room?

3.       What does grandpa unpack.?

4.       Why do you think grandpa makes a tent at bedtime?

5.       Why is Mike happy sharing his room.?


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