Monday, June 22, 2020


WEEK #15

                                                        VOCABULARY WORDS #9

                                                             THE LAZY HORSE

A                                                    B

1. Lazy                                          11. Become
2. Faithful                                      12. Aware
3. Stall                                          13. Pride
4. Saddle                                      14. Shake
5. Chores                                      15. Careless
6. Roam                                        16. Behave
7. Porch                                        17. Smash
8. Stare                                         18. Pale
9. Amazed                                    19. Ashamed
10. Chase                                      20. Cart


Lazy - Does little
Faithful - Loyal
Stall - Stable
Saddle - Seat on a horse
Chores - Things to do
Roam - Wander with no destination
Porch - Platform outside a house
Stare - A fixed look
Amazed - Fill with wonder
Chase - Go after something

Become - Grow to be
Aware - Conscious of
Pride - High opinion of yourself
Shake - Agitate
Careless- Showing lack of care
Behave - Act properly
Smash - Break noisily
Pale - Palid
Ashamed - Embarrassed
Cart - Horse - drawn vehicle


1. He is smart, but lazy.

2. Tom was a faithful soldier.

3. I led the horse into its stall.

4. Adrian saddled his horse.

5. Doing math problems is a chore.

6. She roams around the city.

7. They love to sit out on their porch on summer evenings.

8. It is not nice to stare to people.

9. The big lion amazed the crowd.

10. The dogs chased the rabbits.

11. The client has become quite a problem.

12. When you drive you must be aware at all times.

13. He has too much pride to admit that he was wrong.

14. Shake the medicine to mix it.

15. He makes a lot of careless mistakes.

16. Our mother commanded us to behave good.

17. The plate smashed when it hit the floor.

18. The man showed a pale face after the accident.

19. The girl felt ashamed with the new teacher.

20. The farmer drives his cart to the market everyday.

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