Monday, May 11, 2020



The need for food

We need food to stay alive. It gives us energy to move and do many activities every day.
Food also contains nutrients. Nutrients help our body grow well and to stay healthy.

Types of food

Different foods give us different nutrients. There are 4 types of nutrients:

1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates give our body energy.
Foods rich in carbohydrates are:

2. Proteins

Proteins help our body to grow and build different parts of our body, like strong muscles.
Foods rich in proteins are:

3. Fats

Fats help our body to store energy and keep the body warm.
Foods rich in fats are:

4. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals help our body work properly and stay healthy.
Vitamin A is good for our eyes. Carrots and Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A.
CarrotMalawi to export mangoes to India - Agro & Food Processing

Vitamin C keeps us from getting sick. Oranges and kiwis are rich in vitamin C.
Organic 'Vanilla' Oranges from SicilyBeneficios del kiwi que deberías conocer

One important mineral is Calcium
Calcium helps us to build strong bones and teeth. Milk and spinach are rich in calcium.
Drinking milk probably does not cause breast cancer - The ...Spinach: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts (& Popeye) | Live Science


Water is the main component in our body.
It makes up more than half our body.
It helps our body to break down the food and to take in the nutrients we need.
Water helps our blood take the nutrients everywhere in our body.
Water also helps us remove waste materials in our body, through sweat, urine and feaces.
You can replace the water in your body by

  • Drinking enough water every day
  • Eating fruits and vegetables rich in water, such as tomatoes, broccoli, oranges and watermelon.

How much water should you drink? - Harvard Health

Making healthy choices

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