Monday, May 25, 2020



Our Teeth

We use our teeth to chew and grind food into smaller pieces that are easier for us to swallow.
Our gums are the parts that hold our teeth in place.

We grow two sets of teeth:

  • Milk teeth:
Our milk teeth start to grown when we are about six months old
We have 20 milk teeth.
They start to fall out when we are about seven years old.

  • Permanent teeth:
By the age of about 12, our permanent teeth have replaced all our milk teeth.
We have 32 permanent teeth.
They last our whole life. If we lose them, we will not grow a new set of teeth.

Our teeth come in four types:

  • Incisors:
Incisors are the front teeth. 
They are sharp. 
Incisors cut food when we bite it.
  • Canines:
Canines are found in the front corners of our mouth.
They have a pointed end
They're sharper than incisors.
Our canines help to tear food.
  • Premolars:
Premolars are found behind canines.
They have a flat upper surface.
Our premolars chew and crush food into smaller pieces before the food goes to our molars.
  • Molars:
Molars are found at the back of our mouth.
They have a large and flat upper surface.
They're larger than premolars.
Our molars chew and grind pieces of food, making the food easier to swallow.

Caring for your Teeth

We should take care of  our teeth to prevent the formation of plaque.

Plaque is a sticky substance that sticks to our teeth. 
It forms when the sugar in our food combines with the germs in our mouth.
Plaque can make our teeth decay (rot, get cavities, or fall off)

Ways to take care of our teeth:

  • Brush our teeth properly after each meal.
  • Change our toothbrush every three months.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat less foods rich in sugar (cakes and chocolate).
  • Floss our teeth everyday, to clean the food trapped between our teeth and gums.
  • Visit the dentist every six months


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