Monday, May 25, 2020


                                                      SPELLING WORDS # 7

                                                       A NEW BEST FRIEND

       A                                    B

1. Shout                         11. Stick
2. Block                         12. Toss
3. Around                     13.  Pass             
4. Move                         14. Sink
5. Town                         15. Chess
6. Lonely                       16. Cartwheel                    
7. kite                            17. Give up
8. String                        18. Think
9. Fasten                       19. About
10. Pick up                   20. Outstanding

Shout - To scream
Block - Street section
Around - Surrounding
Move - Change location
Town - Small city
Lonely - Alone
Kite - A flying toy for kids
String - A cord
Fasten - Attach securely
Pick up - To lift
Stick - Small branch
Toss - Throw lightly
Pass - To give an object
Sink - Go in
Chess- A board game
Cartwheel - Gymnastic move
Give up - Stop trying
Think - Hold an opinion
About - Concerning to someone or something.
Outstanding - Exceptional

1. She heard a shout and whirled.
2. I walked down the entire block but there weren't any people.
3. They walked around the playground. 
4. He will move to a new town next week.
5. The town had friendly people.
6. The boy feels lonely without his friend.
7. The students were flying a kite.
8. The string was long and thick.
9. They tried to fasten their seat belt.
10. Beth picks up a bone for the dog.
11. The nest was made of many small sticks.
12. The player will toss the ball to the crowd.
13. My friend passes the test back to me.
14. He sinks his books inside the backpack.
15. I have all the pieces to my chess game.
16. Gymnastics love to do cartwheels.
17. She is not going to give up until she wins the game.
18. I think it will be difficult to return back.
19. I read a book about flowers.
20. The game results are quite outstanding!


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