Sunday, May 10, 2020



                                             VOCABULARY WORDS # 6
                                                        A SPECIAL PUP


1. Appointment                 11.  Give up
2. Approach                       12.  Jet
3. Bench                             13.  Land
4. Cheer up                        14.  Pet
5. Comfortable                  15.  Playground
6. Confident                       16.  Skills
7. Equipment                     17.  Smart 
8. Firm                               18.  Still
9. Forget                            19.  Training
10.Gentle                           20.  Trip


Appointment - Meeting time
Approach - Move closer
Bench - Long outdoor seat
Cheer up - Make happier
Comfortable - Physically relaxed
Confident - Feeling certain of something
Equipment - Accessory, apparatus
Firm - Solid, strong
Forget - Not remember
Gentle - Kind - pleasant

Give up - Stop trying
Jet - An aircraft or plane
Land (verb) - Aircraft come to earth
Pet (verb) - To touch something or someone
Playground -  Children´s outdoor play area
Skills - Abilities
Smart - Intelligent
Still - Calm, silent, not moving
Training - Knowledge or skill learned
Trip - Journey


1. I have an appointment at the doctor´s office at 10:00am.

2. As we approach to the dog he stayed still.

3. Parks often have a bench for people to sit and rest.

4. A plate of chocolate ice cream can cheer up a child.

5. I like to sit on a comfortable sofa.

6. Be firm and confident when you ask for something.

7. The children were playing on the equipment of the park.

8. He is firm in his beliefs.

9. My mother said something I will never forget.

10. Flash is a gentle dog.

11. I´m to close to my goal to give up now.

12. She was excited to fly on a jet.

13. The plane will land at the airport at 3:00 pm.

14. She kneeled down to pet the dog.

15. The boy watched the kids playing in the playground.

16. They have a special skill with the football.

17. She is cute as a princess and smart, like her mother.

18. He stood very still and waited.

19. He is in charge of training the dog.

20. I will have fun on my trip.

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